Ensuring compliance with 29 CFR Part 391.25, motor carriers conduct an annual inquiry into drivers’ driving records. Yet, this process can evolve beyond merely assessing moving violations and accidents. Here at TR Insurance Agency, we believe in maximizing this annual review as an opportunity to invest in drivers’ success.

Rather than a routine check, sit down with drivers to provide comprehensive feedback. Acknowledge their strengths, identify areas for growth, and set individualized goals. From roadside inspections to customer service, evaluating various metrics offers a holistic view of driver performance.

Setting the stage for the year ahead, engage drivers in goal-setting using the SMART model. Let’s break it down:

“Specific”: Clearly define short and long-term objectives, aligning with drivers’ career trajectories. “Measurable”: Utilize tools like the FMCSA’s Safety Measurement System (SMS) to track progress and ensure accountability. “Attainable”: Set realistic goals that empower drivers while fostering productivity and morale. “Relevant”: Align goals with drivers’ roles and responsibilities, ensuring they contribute to organizational success. “Time-bound”: Establish deadlines for goal achievement, with mid-year reviews to track progress.

By implementing the SMART model, performance goals become actionable and drivers receive clear guidance. Our call to action:

  1. Conduct thorough annual performance reviews with drivers.
  2. Utilize the SMART method to set achievable goals.
  3. Regularly monitor progress and provide ongoing support.

At TR Insurance Agency, we’re committed to optimizing driver performance and enhancing safety on the road. Contact us today to learn more about our tailored insurance solutions for motor carriers.